This is an example project build in top of the boilerplate template Ui Component Library by BoilerplateHQ.

What you see is what you get. Meaning, this is exactly what you get when you clone the repository and run the project.

THE BUTTON COMPANY's Terms & Conditions

Last updated March 0, 2999

Welcome to THE BUTTON COMPANY, where we knead the code and bake the pixels to perfection to serve you the most delightful online buttons - like, submit, and everything in between. By using our buttons, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, which are as unique as our recipe for the perfect clickable.

1. Acceptance of the Absurd:

By engaging with our buttons, you understand that they are crafted in a kitchen where code and pixels are mixed in equal measure, ensuring each button is both functional and delicious. You accept that any resemblance to real buttons, living or clicked, is purely coincidental and entirely hilarious.

2. Button Usage:

Feel free to click, tap, or even double-click, but please, no licking the screen. Our buttons are zero-calorie and not suitable for consumption, regardless of how tempting they may look.

3. Button Customization:

Should you wish for a button that sings 'Happy Birthday' or recites Shakespeare upon being clicked, please note that our bakers are not responsible for any cacophony or spontaneous theatrical performances that may ensue.

4. Forbidden Dough:

Copying, redistributing, or attempting to reverse-engineer our buttons is strictly prohibited. Remember, our recipes are secret, and our dough is copyrighted. Unauthorized use may result in being pelted with virtual breadcrumbs or banned from the bakery.

5. Liability for Crumbs:

THE BUTTON COMPANY is not responsible for any crumbs or digital residue left behind by excessive button clicking. We recommend using a virtual napkin for a cleaner experience.

6. Updates to Terms:

Our terms, like our recipes, may change depending on the season or our bakers' whims. Any significant changes will be announced with the ringing of a tiny, adorable bell, so listen closely.

7. Governing Law:

These Terms are governed by the laws of the Land of Make-Believe, where disputes are settled by a council of wise old owls and the occasional cat jury.

By continuing to use our buttons, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms & Conditions, no matter how nonsensical they may seem. After all, in the world of THE BUTTON COMPANY, sense is just another ingredient in our delightful confectionery.

Happy clicking!